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Konteyner Yapı

What is Container Structure?

What is Container Structure?

Container structures can be found ready-made in certain sizes and types of projects, but optionally interior and

 facade designs are structures that can be made. It is among the lowest cost structures among steel structures. Use

 According to its purpose, it can be assembled in the field on the chassis. Container structures are interconnected with

 types of different sizes. They are structures that can be designed by bringing them together because their connections

 can be provided. Prefabricated building types are generally used for temporary use. Are suitable structures.

Containers, which are known as ready-made structures and offer ease of use in many ways, have been increasing in

 popularity recently. Started to be preferred. There is a need for an application such as production in a factory

 environment, construction process and groundbreaking process. Such as being more affordable than reinforced concrete

 buildings, prefabricated houses and steel structures in terms of cost. Advantageous aspects; increased the demand for

 container houses.

Container structures can be easily installed and also quickly transported according to the need. Are practical

 buildings that can be completed. These convenient and fast solution aspects are used as the living space of container

 structures. In addition to being used, it also allows its use in business life and in many social areas.

 Container structures, dormitories, which are frequently used in project-based and repositionable work areas such as

 construction sites, The dining hall is used as a WC.

Container structures are one of the most preferred structures as offices in business life. Easy and in a short time

 Container structures, which offer a useful workspace, are preferred because they have a practical and comfortable

 interior. Increases.

Specially designed containers are produced according to customer requests, size, size and number of rooms. Special

 You can design the outer appearance of the design container models as you want. Thanks to Solar Container models

 it is possible to produce energy with the help of solar energy. By installing a solar panel on the container with solar energy

 You can meet your energy needs and get rid of high electricity bills.

Care should be taken to have heat and sound insulation in container structures. Container assembly needs the most

 attention is one of the things. Such as that the ground on which the container will be installed is a smooth area and that

 the cabling is done properly. There are many points that need attention. Paying attention to the fact that the assembly

 service is done by reliable companies required.

What are Container Building Usage Areas?


  • Living Containers

  • Architectural Containers

  • Hobby Garden Containers

  • Bungalow Containers

  • Office Containers

  • Construction Containers

  • Dormitory Containers

  • Freight Containers

  • Dining Hall Containers

  • Wc - Shower Containers

  • Security Shed Containers

  • Commercial Containers


What are the Advantages of Container Building?

  • Container structures are easy to transport and install

  • Container structures are economical and fast to supply.

  • Container structures can be manufactured as monoblock or demountable.

  • Container structures are durable and long-lasting for long-term use.

  • The interior design of container structures can be designed according to the purpose of use. .

  • Container structures walls can be produced as sheet metal or PVC panels.

  • Errors are minimized as container structures are manufactured and assembled.

  • Container structures make a difference because they are the most cost-effective ready-made structures and provide short-term installation and long-term use in return for this affordable price.

  • Since container structures are ready-made structures that do not need a foundation and do not require construction applications, they are preferred by land owners due to the convenience they offer.

  • Container structures draw attention as the most reliable structures against situations such as earthquakes and natural disasters, with comfortable interior planning, very successful in terms of thermal insulation.

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